Many painless wart removal products on the market today have Salicylic Acid as the main active ingredient. This type of acid helps your body to dissolve the outer layer of dead skin, thus removing your warts. Although these types of wart treatment products are considered to be a much less painful alternative to freezing or burning warts, you should know that they can leave a slight burning or stinging sensation that usually goes away within a couple of minutes.
Although many wart removal methods have a similar active ingredient, there are different ways to apply the solution and some are better for you than others. You should consider the location of your warts before choosing a treatment style. For example, placing a large patch with salicylic acid over the wart on your fingertip might not be very convenient for someone who uses their hands all day for typing or other tasks. If you use your fingers all day for work or school like most of us do, then you should consider a wart removal product that is in liquid form and comes with a pinpoint applicator for your convenience.
You should also consider the sensitivity of your skin and the location of your wart before selecting a wart removal product. Most wart removal products with salicylic acid should not cause you too much discomfort for hand warts or plantar warts (warts on your feet). However, freezing genital warts by yourself can be painful and is generally not recommended.
Warts No More is an all natural, Certified Organic, topical treatment, proven to eliminate warts (body, flat, plantar, and genital), without scarring or surgery. Results are guaranteed. Warts No More is made from 100% pure and natural essential oils and plant extracts, grown organically in remote regions, high in the North American mountains.
Finally! A new system that works!
1 comment:
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