You MUST see this!Over 2,000 satisfied customers and counting!This is a battery powered electronic device that will completely remove warts. 
A 100% successful remedy for warts
The unit is applied to the wart for just 3 minutes. The wart will be permanently killed and normal skin will steadily replace the dead wart tissue. There is no scarring.
Works on all types of warts, including stubborn and difficult to remove Plantar warts.
Aren't you tired of the endless hassle of using the pads and liquids that never seem to work?The principal of operation of the device is as follows.
Each cell type in the body (as any physical item) has a natural resonant frequency.
If the cell is agitated at its natural resonant frequency, the resonance causes the cell to physically break apart, destroying itself. (A well known example of this is the wine glass shattering to the sound of an opera singer singing a clear note at the wine glasses resonant frequency)
The electronic circuit pulses 24v dc at the natural resonant frequency of a wart cell. Very little energy is needed to achieve this.
The results are virtually always 100% successful.
This is a significantly preferable and far more successful treatment than the painful and costly practice of freezing off warts using liquid nitrogen, often, only to have them return.
One 3 minute treatment completely eliminates the wartIf you really are fed-up with a wart, this will get rid of it permanently and extremely conveniently.
The electrode is placed on the wart and the unit activated. The pulsed dc signal causes the cells that comprise the wart to burst. Only the wart cells react to this frequency of electrical stimulation, leaving the surrounding skin completely unaffected.
In tests over a 3 year period, a 100% success rate has been achieved.
Works on all types of warts, incuding common warts, Plantar warts, HPV and genital warts.
** No wart has survived the treatment **November 06
This was a wart that the patient had had for over 10 years.
It was treated in 4 sections, 3 minute to each quarter.
The whole visit took half an hour.

29 January 07
This was the situation on his return visit just under 3 months later.
Customer Testimonials"Thanks for a great product. I had an outbreak of warts on my hands that slowly seemed to multiply - no matter what I did. I spent quite a bit on doctors visits - but they always seemed to come back.Your electronic wart remover got rid of them after just one session. It is so nice to be wart free at last."Regard,
Tony Swales
"Thank you very much for the wart machine. I have to write to tell you that it worked so well.I never really expected it to, but it just zapped them completely. I cant even see where they used to be now.Thanks again for an excellent product.
I wish I had it years ago."Susan Atkinson
"Dude, I am so happy I bought the Wartabater. I had Genital Warts for twenty years and now they are gone! In only two months they are completly gone with no scarring! You should advertise more. There are so many un-happy people that need this product.
I just happened upon your website by chance. The Wartabater should be advetised on TV as well as all other media.The WORLD should know about this. I have spent thousands trying to get rid of my condition only to have them come back, time and time again. For less than $100, I finally have my confidence back. There is a site called HPV FAQ that has thousands of un-happy people who believe that their lives are over becase of HPV. I tried to post your product, but they say it's spamming."I thank you, my friend.
This unit carries a 90 day money back warrantee. Should you not be satisfied, simply return it for a full refund.**Wait! Order by 9:00 PM Eastern time on 1-13-08 and I will throw in a FREE REPORT that reveals 10 natural and homeopathic remedies for warts using items that you can find in your fridge!**
I've sold this report to many satisfied customers for $19.99 each. I will send it to you for FREE if you order by the deadline!Still have questions? Email us at
Click below to order Wartabater for $79.95 safely with PayPal.
Item usually ships within 24 hours.